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2021 Autumn Budget

EPM Member Mabe Allen LLP have pleasure in attaching thier summary of the Chancellor’s 2021 Autumn Budget.

Whilst the Chancellor made a number of announcements prior to the Budget, including freezing all personal allowances and tax rates and increasing the National Insurance rates, our Budget Summary provides an overview of the key announcements arising from the Chancellor’s speech – in particular:-

  • Increases in the National Living Wage and the National Minimum Wage rates.
  • New temporary business rates relief.
  • Changing the age when pension savers can draw their pension.
  • Retention of the £1million annual investment allowance.
  • Extension of capital gains tax reporting to 60 days.

Additionally, throughout the Summary you will find informative comments to help you assess the effect that the proposed changes may have on you personally.

If you would like more detailed, one-to-one advice on any of the issues raised in the Chancellor’s Budget speech, please make contact Mabe Allen directly via email: ilkeston@mabeallen.co.uk

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