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Business grants roll-out continues

The latest round of business support has seen nearly £1.5m of grants paid to eligible businesses in Erewash since the start of the year.

The Local Restrictions Support Grants have been automatically issued by Erewash Borough Council to just over 600 businesses covering the 44-day period from 16 February to the end of the financial year on 31 March. The grants – which range from £2,096 to £4,714 depending on the rateable value of the business – have been paid directly into the businesses bank accounts.

Councillor Wayne Major, Erewash Borough Council’s Deputy Leader and Lead Member for Resources, says:

“Thanks to businesses having a My Erewash account with us we were able to get this further support to businesses very quickly as soon as we received confirmation from the government. We continue to work with our business community to offer our help in whatever way we can during these difficult times.”

These latest payments mean that over the last four months nearly £7m of grant payments have now been rolled out to small businesses covering Tier restrictions, Christmas Support and National Lockdown measures as well as discretionary grants for micro businesses that did not meet other grant conditions.

Since the start of the pandemic last March, millions of pounds of support has gone out to help small businesses in the borough – just over £30m in total.

The council continues to award payments to eligible businesses and new applications can still be made.

Details of all the covid grants can be found at www.erewash.gov.uk and businesses are advised to register for a My Erewash business account at the website where full details of the grants’ criteria and online application forms are available.

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