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COVID-19: Support For Business

If you are unsure of what you could be entitled to and would like to speak to someone, please email: help@erewash-partnership.com at anytime.
We’re here to help.

Please find below the link to the latest grant information from Erewash Borough Council:



COVID-19 Additional Relief Fund (CARF)
Eligibility for the scheme

Relief may not be awarded if the business has received or was eligible for the Extended Retail Discount (covering Retail, Hospitality and Leisure), the Nursery Discount or the Airport and Ground Operations Support Scheme.

The property must be occupied or closed temporarily due to the government’s advice on Covid-19

All grants made under this scheme to be subsidy allowance compliant.  For further information please see the Government’s website. 

The business must be able to demonstrate they have been adversely affected by the pandemic and have been unable to adequately adapt to that impact. Evidence will be requested as part of the application process which may include bank statements, business account etc. Please prepare any evidence you may wish to present prior to starting the application process.

Amount of Relief

The government has provided £1.97m to Erewash Borough Council to distribute to qualifying businesses. In order to ensure all of the funding is spent and the distribution is as fair as possible the awards will not be calculated until after the application period has closed and all qualifying business have been identified.

The government has provided funding based on their assessment of industry sectors which has been affected more than others based on Gross Value Added (GVA). The distribution of local relief will reflect that weighting when determining levels of awards.

Applying for CARF

Applications for CARF must be made via GrantApproval.co.uk. You will be taken away from Erewash Borough Council’s website to the Grant Approval website. You must register an account under the business grants section to make your application.

You must make a separate application for each business you are making a claim for.

REGISTER / MAKE A CLAIM ON GRANTAPPROVAL.CO.UK  OR https://www.grantapproval.co.uk/Requests/QuickSchemeLink/448A18

Applications for this scheme will open on 31 January and close on 18 February 2022. This will enable all adjustments to business rate accounts to be made prior to annual billing.

If the business is deemed ineligible by Grant Approval and you believe that is should qualify please contact us using the Business Rates Contact form in your My Erewash account. 

Just to clarify;

  • It is available to business who have not previously qualified for business rates support (excludes nurseries hospitality and leisure who have had awards in the past)
  • It can be paid in conjunction with ARG as the grants are under separate schemes
  • There needs to be an adverse impact due to covid and unable to adapt to that impact on trading conditions
  • There are a number of qualifying conditions which are set out on the website COVID-19 Additional Relief Fund (CARF) (erewash.gov.uk)
  • We believe the type of industries that have missed out to date are supply chain operations e.g. wholesalers and manufacturing  but not these exclusively

We believe that businesses occupying the following property types on the list below are  most likely to qualify:



Erewash Borough Council have now launched their current round of COVID ARG support grants, this is in addition to the Omicron Hospitality and Leisure Grant (see update below dated 19/1/22).

The Additional Restrictions Grant (ARG) supports businesses from certain sectors that may have been severely impacted by restrictions, or by the Omicron variant, including those outside of the business rates system. There are three different schemes for this phase of the ARG:

Omicron Additional Restrictions Grant (OARG) – A discretionary scheme for those businesses that continue to be affected by Covid, especially by the Omicron variant but that don’t qualify for the Omicron Hospitality and Leisure Grant (OHLG).

ARG Manufacturing Grant (ARGMG) – A discretionary scheme to support businesses in the manufacturing sector by offering larger awards, of up to £15,000, to fund projects that have the potential to safeguard and create new jobs, and build a more resilient economy.

ARG Start-up Grant (ARGSG) – A discretionary scheme to award small grants to businesses that have started up during the pandemic, but have faced challenges to establish themselves, owing to the adverse effects of Covid-19. Applicants will be required to explain how funds will be used to support business sustainability and growth.

Further information, and how to apply for each grant is listed below.

Omicron Additional Restrictions Grant (OARG)

Erewash Borough Council has now opened applications for the Omicron Additional Restrictions Grant (OARG).  Funding has been provided by Government to support businesses that have been severely impacted by the rise of the Omicron variant. The grant has been made available for businesses that are unable to apply for the Omicron Hospitality and Leisure Grant (OHLG) but have suffered as a result of the ongoing pandemic. The distribution of this funding will require new applications to be submitted by eligible businesses. Businesses are encouraged to apply as soon possible, with the final deadline for applications being 28 February 2022. All payments to qualifying businesses will be made by 31 March 2022 in line with government policy.

General Eligibility

For the purposes of this grant scheme, a business is considered to be trading if it is engaged in business activity such as carrying on a trade or profession, or buying and selling goods and services in order to generate turnover. Fully constituted businesses in liquidation, dissolved, struck off or subject to a striking-off notice are not eligible under these conditions.

Examples of evidence of trading include:

  • the business continues to trade online, via click and collect services for example.
  • the business is not in liquidation, dissolved, struck off or subject to a striking off notice or under notice
  • the business is engaged in business activity: managing accounts, preparing for reopening, planning and implementing COVID-safe measures

Other eligibility requirements for the scheme include:

  • Businesses that have been severely impacted by the rise of the Omicron variant.
  • The business is the applicant’s main source of income
  • They can demonstrate at least a 20% reduction in income since the lifting of Covid restrictions on April 12 2021.
  • Has ongoing business premises costs or fixed non avoidable business costs, excluding salaries
  • The business must be based in Erewash Borough
  • Must have been trading on December 30th 2021

Evidence required to support your claim

In order to claim, you will need to provide evidence of your business expenditure and loss of income over 20% between the rise of the Omicron variant April and December 2021. The following items could be provided;

  • Bank Statements – the three most recent statements, or screenshots of online banking for the past three months, showing the business bank details and business transactions during this period
  • Income over the 12 months
  • Proof of annual business premises costs – such as copies of a lease, agreements, and three months’ worth of utility bills
  • If you have no fixed premises costs you could provide copies of bank statements showing at least three months’ worth of business payments being made.

How to Claim
Businesses can apply for an ARG phase 3 grant online here www.grantapproval.co.uk using the Quick Code 448A0T

OARG guidance
Read guidance on the scheme including eligibility and exclusions.

If you wish to contact us regarding any of the ARG schemes, you can do so at localbusinessgrants@erewash.gov.uk

Grant for Manufacturing Businesses

There are circa 400 manufacturing businesses based in the Erewash Constituency providing a disproportionately higher level of employment when compared to the national picture. Erewash Borough Council recognises the value and significance of the sector in delivering innovation, wealth and prosperity to the local economy. This scheme will support businesses within the manufacturing sector that have suffered adversely owing to the effects of Covid-19, by offering larger awards estimated at £15,000.

The Erewash Manufacturing Recovery Grant is part of the Authority’s package of support to businesses dealing with the impact of Covid-19. It is designed to enable a sustainable recovery by funding projects that have potential to safeguard and create new jobs, and build a more resilient economy.

In order to be eligible for a grant a business must:

  • be an Independent Manufacturing or Engineering business operating from premises in Erewash;
  • have been trading on 1st January 2020 and continuing to trade;
  • be able to demonstrate at least a significant negative impact since the beginning of the pandemic and explain how funds will be used to aid recovery and sustainability;
  • not be in liquidation/dissolved/struck off; and
  • not have received funding in excess of the current subsidy control limits.

How to Claim
Businesses can apply for an ARG Manufacturing Grant online here www.grantapproval.co.uk using the Quick Code 448A1Z

Covid era Start-up Grants

Small business grants will be made available for businesses who have started trading during the pandemic, but have faced challenges and struggled to establish themselves owing to the adverse effects of Covid-19. Applicants will be required to explain how the funds will be used to support business sustainability and growth.

  • Anticipated Awards of up to £5,000.
  • Deadline for applications is 28 February 2022.
  • If you have received other Covid grants, that does not automatically preclude you from applying for this grant.

Erewash Partnership Limited will be offering confidential and impartial business advice; alongside workshops for businesses that commenced trading since the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic. The reviews offered will help to identify barriers to sustainability and growth, offer guidance and support plus an option to apply for a grant towards equipment, training, marketing and premises improvements.

How to Claim
Businesses can apply for an ARG Start-up grant online here www.grantapproval.co.uk using the Quick Code 448A10

Further information can be found here https://www.erewash.gov.uk/businesses-section/arg.html

UPDATE – 31st JANUARY 2022

Omicron Additional Restrictions Grant (OARG)

Erewash Borough Council has now opened applications for the Omicron Additional Restrictions Grant (OARG).  Funding has been provided by Government to support businesses that have been severely impacted by the rise of the Omicron variant. The grant has been made available for businesses that are unable to apply for the Omicron Hospitality and Leisure Grant (OHLG) but have suffered as a result of the ongoing pandemic. The distribution of this funding will require new applications to be submitted by eligible businesses. Businesses are encouraged to apply as soon possible, with the final deadline for applications being 28 February 2022. All payments to qualifying businesses will be made by 31 March 2022 in line with government policy.

General Eligibility

For the purposes of this grant scheme, a business is considered to be trading if it is engaged in business activity i.e. carrying on a trade or profession, or buying and selling goods and services in order to generate turnover. Fully constituted businesses in liquidation, dissolved, struck off or subject to a striking-off notice are not eligible under these conditions.

Examples of evidence of trading include:

  • the business continues to trade online, via click and collect services etc.
  • the business is not in liquidation, dissolved, struck off or subject to a striking off notice or under notice
  • the business is engaged in business activity: managing accounts, preparing for reopening, planning and implementing COVID-safe measures

Other eligibility requirements for the scheme include:

  • Businesses that have been severely impacted by the rise of the Omicron variant.
  • They can demonstrate at least a 20% reduction in income since the lifting of Covid restrictions on April 12 2021.
  • Has ongoing business premises costs or fixed non avoidable business costs, excluding salaries
  • The business must be based in Erewash Borough
  • Must have been trading on December 30th 2021

Evidence required to support your claim

In order to claim, you will need to provide evidence of your business expenditure and loss of income over 20% between the rise of the Omicron variant April and December 2021. The following items could be provided;

  • Bank Statements – the three most recent statements, or screenshots of online banking for the past three months, showing the business bank details and business transactions during this period
  • Income over the 12 months
  • Proof of annual business premises costs – such as copies of a lease, agreements, and three months’ worth of utility bills
  • If you have no fixed premises costs you could provide copies of bank statements showing at least three months’ worth of business payments being made.

How to Claim

Businesses can apply for an ARG phase 3 grant online here www.grantapproval.co.uk using the Quick Code 448A0T

OARG guidance

Full guidance on the scheme, including eligibility and exclusions, is available here

If you wish to contact us regarding any of the ARG schemes, you can do so at localbusinessgrants@erewash.gov.uk

UPDATE – 19th JANUARY 2022

Omicron Hospitality and Leisure Grant

Please note, applications for this scheme will close at midday on 21st February 2022.

  1. Businesses that occupy properties that are in the ratings list on 30 December 2021
  1. Businesses that were trading on 30 December 2021
    Trading is carrying on a trade  or profession or buying and selling goods or services in order to generate turnover, including:
    • Businesses that continue to trade online, via delivery services etc.
    • Businesses not in administration, liquidation, dissolved, struck off or subject to a striking of notice or under notice
    • Businesses engaged in business activity – managing accounts, preparing for reopening, planning and implementing COVID-safe measures
  2. Businesses that are in the following sectors:
    • Hospitality
    • Leisure
    • Accommodation
  3. Businesses must offer ‘in-person’ services where the main service and activity takes place in a fixed rate-paying premises 

    Unlike the Restart Grant, Personal Care businesses are not eligible for the OHL scheme. Personal Care businesses includes hairdressers, barbers, beauty salons, nail salons, tanning salons and tattoo artists (this list it not exhaustive).
    The department for Business Energy and Industrial Strategy have provided a definition of a leisure to exclude gyms and sports businesses where physical exercise or training is conducted on an individual basis or group basis.
  4. Businesses that are within the Subsidy Allowance Limits

    To find out more about the Subsidy Allowance Limits, grant award amounts and how to apply, please follow this link.


A new rate relief scheme for Erewash businesses that have not so far received government funding to help with the impact of covid is expected to be in place in the next few weeks.

A meeting of Erewash Borough Council’s Executive next week (12 January) is likely to back a move to design and implement a local scheme of business rate relief using up to £1.9m of funding for the borough.

The business rate relief is part of a nationwide aim to support businesses affected by Covid-19 outside of the retail, hospitality and leisure sectors and reach those who have been unable to benefit from other business rate relief measures provided by the government in response to the financial impacts of the pandemic.

Called the Covid-19 Additional Relief Fund (CARF), the reliefs must be awarded to eligible businesses in Erewash by the end of March.

Councillor Wayne Major, Erewash Borough Council’s Deputy Leader and Lead Member for Resources, says:

“It is absolutely vital that we get this latest financial assistance to qualifying businesses as quickly as possible, that is our priority – as it always has been in dealing with all the government support that has been offered to businesses over the last two years.

“We are well aware that the business community is still being affected by the pandemic and this latest scheme is all about reaching those businesses that have not been eligible for any rate relief support before.”

Because of the urgency in getting the support issued, members at next week’s Executive meeting are expected to delegate authority to officers to design and implement a local CARF rate relief scheme.

The council will confirm details once a scheme is in place.

The meeting of Council Executive is on Wednesday 12 January at Long Eaton Town Hall at 10.30am.


Erewash Borough Council has assured its business community in the hospitality and leisure sector that the latest government support grants will be issued to eligible businesses as soon as national guidelines have been confirmed.

Following Chancellor Rishi Sunak’s national announcement of support, Erewash Borough Council – along with all local authorities –now eagerly awaits further guidance from the government on how the latest scheme will be administered and details of the qualifying criteria for businesses.

It is thought one-off grants of up to £6,000 will be available for eligible pubs and restaurants as part of a £1bn ‘bailout’ for the hospitality and leisure industry to compensate businesses for the impact on festive bookings due to the uncertainty of the Omicron variant.

Councillor Wayne Major, Erewash Borough Council’s Deputy Leader and Lead Member for Resources, says:

“We want to reassure businesses in our borough that we will take action as soon as information becomes available from the government, including the necessary eligibility criteria and the required application process.”

Details will be published on the council’s website www.erewash.gov.uk and on its Facebook and Twitter social media. Businesses are advised to register for a My Erewash business account at the website.


Today (21 December) the Chancellor, Rishi Sunak, has announced £1 billion in support for businesses most impacted by Omicron across the UK.

Amongst other support, businesses in the hospitality and leisure sectors in England will be eligible for one-off grants of up to £6,000 per premises, plus more than £100 million discretionary funding will be made available for local authorities to support other businesses. Around 200,000 businesses will be eligible for business grants which will be administered by local authorities and will be available in the coming weeks.

We will be in touch as soon as possible with further details and information.


Self Employment Income Support Scheme – fifth grant update as at 21st July 2021

Self-employed workers can now claim the fifth and final government grant but to be eligible they must demonstrate that their turnover has fallen as a result of the pandemic.

Self-employed workers are being invited to claim the fifth Self-Employed Income Support Scheme (SEISS) grant if they “reasonably believe there will be a significant reduction in trading profits due to the impact of COVID-19 between 1 May 2021 and 30 September 2021”.

In addition, a new turnover test means that they must also prove that their turnover has fallen during the pandemic. The new rules mean that claimants will need to work out two different turnover figures: April 2020 to April 2021 and either 2019 to 2020 or 2018 to 2019. HMRC will compare these figures to work out how much claimants will get.

If you have more than one business as a sole trader, your figure must include the total turnover from all of your businesses including any new ventures started between April 2020 and April 2021.

Claimants should not include any coronavirus support payments in their turnover calculations, such as:

  • Previous SEISS grants;
  • Eat Out to Help Out payments;
  • Local authority or devolved administration grants.

Those workers whose turnover is down 30% or more will get 80% of three months’ average trading profits to a maximum of £7,500. Those whose turnover has fallen by less than 30% will get 30% of three months’ average trading profits to a maximum of £2,850.

HMRC’s online service to claim the fifth grant will be available from late July. SEISS claimants must also meet the following criteria:

  • You must be a self-employed individual or a member of a partnership;
  • You must have traded in 2019 to 2020 and in 2020 to 2021;
  • You must have submitted your 2019 to 2020 tax return on or before 2 March 2021;
  • Your trading profits must be no more than £50,000; however, if you are not eligible based on the trading profits in your 2019 to 2020 return, HMRC will look back at previous years.

Anyone who started trading in 2019/20 and did not have any self-employment or partnership income in any of the previous three tax years does not need to take a turnover test and will be eligible for the higher grant.

Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme – July 2021 onwards

As you will no doubt be aware, the CJRS scheme has been extended until 30th September 2021 but with further changes taking place with effect from 1st July 2021. 

  • To be eligible for the grant you must continue to pay your furloughed employees 80% of their wages up to cap of £2,500 per month for the time they spend on furlough.
  • However, with effect from the month of July, the Government will pay up to 70% with the employer paying the additional 10% with a maximum claim of £2,187.50.
  • For the months of August and September 2021, the Government will pay up to 60% with the employer paying the additional 20% with a maximum claim of £1,875.
  • In addition, the employer continues to pay the employer’s National Insurance contributions and pension contributions.

ARG Phase 2 – 12 April to 30 June 2021

Phase 2 of ARG funding is being made available to businesses which are not eligible for the Restart Grant, but which are nonetheless experiencing a severe impact on their business. This scheme is to support the recovery of our local business community as national restrictions are gradually lifted and will replace the current Additional Restrictions Grants Phase 1.

Phase 2 scheme will support businesses in the non-essential retail, hospitality, leisure, personal care and accommodation sectors and associated supply chain industries with a one-off grant, to reopen safely as COVID-19 restrictions are lifted.

A single one-off grant will be made to those businesses who have qualified for and received the phase 1 ARG grant and meet the criteria for Phase 2.

Businesses who have not previously applied for ARG will be considered on application and must complete application form.

Businesses who qualify for the Restart grant for ratepayers will not be eligible for the Phase 2 ARG Grant. See Additional Restrictions Grant Phase 2 guidance notes for further information and payment amounts.

The ARG Phase 2 scheme closes for applications on 11 June 2021 or when the funding has been fully utilised whichever is the sooner. Grants will be awarded on a first-come-first served basis until funding has been exhausted, the decision of the awards panel will be final, and there will be no appeals process.

The ARG Phase 2 application form is available online on our Business Portal. You must have a My Erewash business account to complete an application.

Sign in or Register for a My Erewash Business account (opens in a new window)


SEISS Grant Update – 4th round

Applicants for the fourth Self-Employment Income Support Scheme grant are to be given an individual application date by HMRC.

usiness groups are warning that both the application process and the eligibility requirements for the fourth Self-Employment Income Support Scheme (SEISS) grant have changed compared to previous payments.

Self-employed workers affected by the pandemic will need an individual application date in order to apply for the fourth SEISS grant covering the three-month period from February to April.

The Association of Independent Professionals and the Self-Employed (IPSE) says that HMRC is not planning to announce a formal opening date for applications; instead it will be contacting those eligible by email, letter or within the GOV.UK online service to give them a specific application date.

IPSE said: “We’ve already seen reports that some have already been able to access their SEISS 4 grant date by logging in to the Self-Assessment Unique Taxpayer Reference page on GOV.UK. This link should go live from Monday 19 April and you should be able to view your own unique date for applying if considered eligible.”

Once applicants have received their application date, they will have until 1 June 2021 to complete the claim. If successfully claimed, the grant will provide 80% cover of three months’ average trading profits and be paid as a single, taxable instalment and capped at a total of £7,500.

Key eligibility requirements for the fourth SEISS grant are:

  • You must have filed a 2019/20 tax return before 2 March;
  • You must have earned most of your income though trading;
  • You must have average trading profits of less than £50,000.

However, eligibility also depends on the extent to which a business has been affected by the pandemic. Government guidelines say that a business must be impacted by “reduced demand” or be “unable to trade” due to coronavirus in the qualifying period (1 Feb – 30 April 2021). At the same time, you “must decide if the impact on your business will cause a significant reduction in your trading profits for the tax year you report them in”.

According to IPSE, HMRC has provided no clear definition of what constitutes a “significant reduction” in trading profit. HMRC says applicants will have to make an “honest assessment”.

To make a claim you will also need:

  • Your Self-Assessment Unique Taxpayer Reference (UTR);
  • Your National Insurance number;
  • Your government Gateway user ID and password;
  • Your UK bank details including a bank account number, sort code, name on the account and the address linked to your bank account.

The full SEISS guidelines are available on the GOV.UK website.

Re-Start Grant April 2021

This is not an automatic payment – you will need to re-apply

The Restart Grant will support businesses with a business rates account (hereditaments), that were legally required to close as of 1st April 2021 and fall within the non-essential retail, hospitality, accommodation, leisure, personal care and gym sectors.  This is a mandatory scheme and the amounts paid are not at the discretion of the Council, rather the Government.

There are two strands to the Restart Grant scheme. Depending on the business type, this will determine which strand any eligible business falls into. Businesses cannot receive grant payments under both Strand 1 and 2.

Grants of the following will be paid:

Strand 1
The Restart Grant will support non-essential retail premises with one-off grant payments of up to £6,000.

Strand 2
The Restart Grant will also support hospitality, accommodation, leisure, personal care and gym business premises with one-off grants payments of up to £18,000.

Further information and how to apply is on the Erewash Borough Council website:

BEIS: Delivering the Budget’s commitments – Protecting jobs and livelihoods, and backing business
The Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) will have a key role to play in delivering the Budget’s commitments.

Following the Budget announcement on Wednesday 3 March, Business Secretary, Rt Hon Kwasi Kwarteng MP, outlined in his statement that the Department for Business will have a key role to play in delivering the Budget’s commitments, aimed at protecting the jobs and livelihoods of the British people through the COVID-19 pandemic.  The Business Secretary said, “Recognising the critical role our innovators and wealth creators will play in driving our economic recovery, Government has unveiled a raft of measures to stimulate private investment, including a radical new super-deduction to cut companies’ tax bills if they invest in Britain’s future”.  Other highlights were:

  • £5 billion for new Restart Grants 
  • a new UK-wide Recovery Loan Scheme to make available loans between £25,001 and £10 million
  • the business rates holiday in England has been extended by an additional 3 months
  • For the hospitality and tourism sectors an extension to the temporary 5% reduced rate of VAT until 30 September 2021
  • SMEs will continue to be able to reclaim up to two weeks of eligible Statutory Sick Pay (SSP) 
  • the trading loss carry-back rule will be temporarily extended from the existing one year to 3 years

Further information can be found here.

Working From Home – Tax Relief
If you have been working from home because of the Covid-19 pandemic then you may be eligible to get some cash to help cover the costs.
The process is simple but you do need to be able to set up a Gateway ID on the government website and have details of your payslips and identification like a passport to get started on the official gov.uk website

And you can still claim even if you only work from home for part of the week.

You cannot claim tax relief if you choose to work from home.

The allowance is designed to cover costs heating, metered water bills, home contents insurance, business calls or a new broadband connection. They do not include costs that would stay the same whether you were working at home or in an office, such as mortgage interest, rent or council tax.
You may also be able to claim tax relief on equipment you’ve bought, such as a laptop, chair or mobile phone.

  • £6 a week from 6 April 2020 (for previous tax years the rate is £4 a week) – you will not need to keep evidence of your extra costs
  • the exact amount of extra costs you’ve incurred above the weekly amount – you’ll need evidence such as receipts, bills or contracts

You’ll get tax relief based on the rate at which you pay tax. For example, if you pay the 20% basic rate of tax and claim tax relief on £6 a week you would get £1.20 per week in tax relief (20% of £6).
To make a claim, you will need to ensure that your employer has not been giving you this additional amount on behalf of HMRC – this should be clear from your payslip. You will need to have details of your NI number, your payslip and documentation like a passport to make a claim.
You make a claim on the gov.uk website here

LRSG Grant Payments
Erewash Borough Council has now received confirmation that it is able to make a further Local Restrictions Support Grant under the Closed Addendum scheme to eligible local businesses for the period 16th February to 31st March 2021. 

ARG Grant Payments
The Additional Restrictions Grant (ARG) award covering the extended National Restrictions (lockdown 3) has been extended to cover the period 16th February to 31st March 2021. If you were eligible for a payment under the additional restrictions grant for the January 5th to 15th February period, you should also be eligible for this period. We understand payments will be made automatically by EBC.

The Job Retention Scheme – update 3rd March 2021
The scheme has been extended until 30 September 2021. Find out more about changes to the level of the grant from 1 July 2021 via the link below.

Self Employment Income Support Scheme (SEISS) – update 3rd March 2021

A major extension to the Self-Employment Income Support Scheme (SEISS) has been announced in the Budget – and crucially, for the first time since the scheme launched, its scope will now be widened to include some (but still not all) of those who weren’t previously eligible as 2019/20 tax returns will now be taken in to account.

The Chancellor also revealed there will be a fifth grant available this summer. For full details and eligibility criteria, see our 4th and 5th grant info below

At the Budget, it was confirmed that the fourth SEISS grant will be set at 80% of 3 months’ average trading profits, paid out in a single instalment, capped at £7,500. The fourth grant will take into account 2019 to 2020 tax returns and will be open to those who became self-employed in tax year 2019 to 2020. The rest of the eligibility criteria remain unchanged.

Find out further information:

Closed Business Lockdown Payment (CBLP) – 5 January 2021 to 15 February 2021 – updated by EBC on 15/1/21

In addition to the Local Restrictions Grants, the Closed Business Support Payment has been introduced to support businesses with a business rates account that fall within the retail, hospitality and leisure sectors that have been legally required to close during National Lockdown. 

This grant scheme will be paid at the rates below.

  • £4,000 for businesses with a rateable value of £15,000 or under
  • £6,000 for businesses with a rateable value between £15,001 and £51,000
  • £9,000 for businesses with a rateable value of over £51,000

This payment will be in addition to the Local Restrictions Lockdown Grant (Closed) Addendum: 5 January payment.

Both grants will be paid to those eligible as a combined one off payment for the initial period of 42 days from the national lockdown start date of 5 January 2021.

Local Restrictions Support Grant Closed Addendum, Tier 4 – 31 December 2020 to 4 January 2021 and National Lockdown

Tier 4 payments are paid under the Closed Addendum scheme. They will be pro-rata for the short period that Erewash Borough Council were placed in this Tier before the National Lockdown commenced.  The amounts payable to businesses will be the same in Tier 4 and National Lockdown.

This will be paid under the Local Restrictions Grants previously used. Payments for Closed addendum are paid on the basis of the amounts below.

  • Businesses occupying hereditaments appearing on the local rating list with a rateable value of exactly £15,000 or under on the date of the commencement of the local restrictions, will receive a payment of £667 per 14-day qualifying restriction period.
  • Businesses occupying hereditaments appearing on the local rating list with a rateable value over £15,000 and less than £51,000 on the date of the commencement of the local restrictions, will receive a payment of £1,000 per 14-day qualifying restriction period.
  • Businesses occupying hereditaments appearing on the local rating list with a rateable value of exactly £51,000 or above on the commencement date of the local restrictions, will receive £1,500 per 14-day qualifying restriction period.

How to apply for the January package

If your business is mandated to close and you have received a previous Closed Addendum grant there is no need to reapply for the Closed Business Lockdown Payment or Local Restrictions Support Payment Closed Addendum Tier 4/January payment. This will be awarded automatically. An email will be sent when these have been awarded.

If you have not received a previous Local Restriction Support Grant Closed Addendum and you think you might be eligible, please complete our ‘LRSG Closed Addendum’ form in your My Erewash business account.


Additional Restrictions Grant (ARG)


Further information on the ARG Grant can be found via this link – https://www.erewash.gov.uk/grants/covid-grants.html

ARG Guidance Notes – https://www.erewash.gov.uk/images/Community/ARG_Guidance_Notes_FINAL_updated_16.12.20.pdf

  • Businesses established before 4th November 2020 qualify)
  • Mobile, market traders and home-based businesses are eligible to apply.
  • After completing a grant page online, it is advisable to click save or next. If you click back or refresh you will lose anything not previously saved.
  • Applications are sent to a panel for approval on a weekly basis.

SEISSThe self-employed with a business due to suffer a significant profit reduction (including due to parental responsibilities) may get up to £7,500. The Self-Employment Income Support Scheme (SEISS) grant 3 can be applied for until 29th January 2021. The SEISS eligibility criteria are, briefly, that you must have filed a tax return for 2018/19, have an average trading profit of less than £50,000/year, and 50%+ of your income must be from self-employment.

If you qualify, lockdown or other recent tier changes may have triggered the ability for you to apply. This involves declaring that, between 1 Nov 2020 and 31 Jan 2021, you’ve a reasonable belief of a significant Covid-related trading-profits reduction due to either:

a) You’re temporarily unable to trade due to lockdown, parental/caring responsibilities, or instructions to shield/self-isolate (excl going abroad).

b) You’ve had lower demand, activity or capacity (eg, fewer customers, cancelled contracts, supply chain issues). See our full what counts for the SEISS declaration help.

2020 COVID/Grant Information

Additional Restrictions Grant (ARG) – as at 2nd December 2020

The government has provided local authorities with additional funding to help businesses which, while not legally forced to close, are nonetheless severely impacted by the restrictions put in place to control the spread of Covid-19 (e.g. businesses which supply the retail, hospitality, and leisure sectors, or businesses in the events sector) and businesses outside the business rates system, which are legally required to close.

Grant funding will be available retrospectively for eligible Micro and Small businesses who were trading on the 4 November 2020 in Erewash and have seen a reduction in turnover of 20% or more. Businesses that are eligible for the scheme will be entitled to receive a one off grant payment for the 28 days of the national restrictions being 5 November 2020 to 2 December 2020.

This grant scheme is open only for businesses who ARE NOT registered for business rates.

Businesses that have received a grant or partial grant passed on by a landlord under LRSG (closed addendum) will not be considered for a grant under this scheme. One grant will be considered per qualifying business for the 28 day National Restrictions.

For more information or to check if you are eligible see our Additional Restrictions Grant Scheme. Enquiries about the scheme can be emailed to localbusinessgrants@erewash.gov.uk

Applications will be accepted from 1st December 2020 and will cover the National Lockdown period of the period of 5 November 2020 to 2 December 2020. Closing date for completed applications is 31st January 2021.

The application form is available online on our Business Portal.You must have a My Erewash business account to complete an application. You can either sign in or register using the link below.


If you have any difficulties registering or signing in to your business account please contact us.

Erewash placed in highest Tier – Media release EBC – 26th November 2020

Erewash will go into the Very High Alert Tier 3 restrictions when the current national lockdown ends on 2 December, the government confirmed today.

The borough will join the rest of the county as Derbyshire faces the toughest restrictions in a bid to combat high levels of infections and ward off further spikes in the virus.

The government confirmed the news today, meaning Erewash residents and businesses must abide by the stringent measures from 2 December.

It means that bars, pubs, cafes and restaurants will close but can provide takeaways or a delivery service. Indoor entertainment venues like bingo halls, bowling alleys and cinemas, along with tourist attractions must also close, with some exceptions.

Councillor Carol Hart, Leader of Erewash Borough Council, said that while today’s announcement is disappointing, it is vital that residents continue to follow the guidance:

“News that we are in the highest Tier is tough to take, I understand that and I share that feeling. I also understand that many will be feeling battle-weary as the fight against this deadly virus goes on in what has been one of the most difficult years that many of us have lived through. But the fight must go on and, while I know there will be some who do not agree with the restrictions, I again appeal to everyone to continue to unite as a community and take our responsibilities seriously.

“We always knew this would be a challenging winter, but the recent news on vaccines gives us hope and a light at the end of the tunnel. As we prepare to enter the new Tier restrictions next week, my message remains the same – thank you for all your help in the fight over many months now and please continue to follow the guidelines to stay safe and take care of you, your families and our whole community.  As difficult as it is, we can get through this together.”

Residents can find details of the Tier 3 restrictions at the gov.uk website. To keep up-to-date on any changes use the NHS COVID-19 app, visit Derbyshire County Council’s postcode checker at derbyshire.gov.uk or gov.uk

Erewash Borough Council – COVID 19 Business Support Update as at 24th November

More financial support for businesses in Erewash is on its way after the government released more funding to help local businesses hit by the pandemic.

Erewash Borough Council’s Executive is due to confirm the details of how the latest grant schemes will be administered at a meeting on 1 December – plus any other restriction grants that might potentially be announced by the government due to new Tier restrictions expected to be announced this week.

Applications are open for businesses that were obliged to close under the latest national lockdown regulations. This affects those businesses in Erewash required to close with the introduction of the national lockdown on 5 November until the end on 2 December.

This follows the government funding for local businesses covering the period 17 October to 4 November when Erewash was in Tier 2 restrictions. Applications for these grants are open for

eligible businesses that remained open but suffered a significant financial impact. The amount of money a business receives will depend on the rateable value.

Further support– called an Additional Restrictions Grant – is also now being finalised and the council will confirm the details of this scheme as soon as possible.

For updates and full details of the criteria for grants visit www.erewash.gov.uk Businesses are advised to register for a My Erewash business account via the website.  

Erewash Borough Council – COVID 19 Business Grants Update as at 17th November 2020

The application form for both Local Restriction Support Grants ‘Open’ and ‘Closed’ is now available online on Erewash Borough Council’s Business Portal. Businesses operating more than one premises that is subject to the order to close or affected by Erewash entering Tier 2, must submit a separate application for each premises.

For businesses not occupying a premises on the ratings list, a separate Additional Restrictions Grant (ARG) will be available shortly and those businesses should apply for that grant using a separate form.

You must have a My Erewash business account to complete the application. You can either sign in or register using the link via their website here is the link https://www.erewash.gov.uk/index.php/grants/covid-grants.html

The Local Restriction Support Grant (Open)
This grant is available to eligible ratepayers, following the introduction of Tier 2 restrictions within Erewash on Saturday 17th October 2020.

Local Restriction Support Grant (Closed)
This grant has been introduced to cover the new national lockdown which commenced on Thursday November 5th 2020 and ends on 2nd December 2020. Those providing the following services are eligible:

  • Non-Essential Retail
  • Leisure
  • Personal Care
  • Sports Facilities
  • Hospitality Businesses

Businesses must have been forced to close for 28 days and have a rateable value.

The Additional Restrictions Grant (ARG)
The Additional Restrictions Grant is funding for local authorities to support businesses in their local economies. A one-off lump sum payment to fund additional business support will be provided by the government. We envisage this will primarily take the form of discretionary grants to businesses that don’t qualify for help under the above Local Restrictions Support Grant schemes, but we could also use this funding for wider business support activities. The aim is to provide appropriate support for the financial years 2020/21 and 2021/22 and we will publish further details about this scheme soon.For further information on all of the above grants please follow this link directly to EBCs website https://www.erewash.gov.uk/index.php/grants/covid-grants.html

The Government extends Furlough to the end of March 2021 and increases self-employed support.

Workers across the United Kingdom will benefit from increased support with a five-month extension of the furlough scheme into Spring 2021, the Chancellor announced today, 5 November.

  • businesses and people across the UK given certainty over winter months with further support announced by Chancellor Rishi Sunak
  • the furlough scheme will now be extended until the end of March – protecting millions of jobs across all nations
  • the next self-employed income support grant will also increase from 55% to 80% of average profits – up to £7,500

Workers across the United Kingdom will benefit from increased support with a five-month extension of the furlough scheme into Spring 2021, the Chancellor announced today, 5 November.

The Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme (CJRS) will now run until the end of March with employees receiving 80% of their current salary for hours not worked.

Similarly, support for millions more workers through the Self-Employment Income Support Scheme (SEISS) will be increased, with the third grant covering November to January calculated at 80% of average trading profits, up to a maximum of £7,500.


Latest COVID restrictions – New National Restrictions
from 5th November

Information on the new national restrictions, including what they mean for working from home and business closures, why they are being introduced and the financial support available.


Job Retention Scheme Extension (Furlough)

Employers small or large, charitable or non-profit, are eligible for the extended Job Retention Scheme, which will continue for a further month until December.

Businesses will have flexibility to bring furloughed employees back to work on a part time basis or furlough them full-time, and will only be asked to cover National Insurance and employer pension contributions which, for the average claim, accounts for just 5% of total employment costs.

The Job Support Scheme, which was scheduled to come in on Sunday 1st November, has been postponed until the furlough scheme ends.


Self Employment Income Support Scheme Extension

The Self-Employment Income Support Scheme Grant Extension provides critical support to the self-employed in the form of two grants, each available for three-month periods covering November 2020 to January 2021 and February 2021 to April 2021.

The extension will last for six months, from November 2020 to April 2021. Grants will be paid in two lump sum instalments each covering a three-month period.

The first grant will cover a three-month period from 1 November 2020 until 31 January 2021. The Government will provide a taxable grant covering 55% of average monthly trading profits, paid out in a single instalment covering 3 months’ worth of profits, and capped at £5,160 in total.

The grant will be increased from the previously announced level of 40% of trading profits to 80% for November 2020. This therefore increases the total level of the grant from 40% to 55% of trading profits for 1 November 2020 to 31 January 2020.

The Government are providing broadly the same level of support for the self-employed as is being provided for employees through the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme in November due to its extension. And then the Job Support scheme in December and January.

The second grant will cover a three-month period from 1 February 2021 until 30 April 2021. The Government will review the level of the second grant and set this in due course.

The grants are taxable income and also subject to National Insurance contributions.

The online service for the next grant will be available from 30 November 2020. HMRC will provide full details about claiming and applications in guidance on GOV.UK in due course.

Bounce Back Loan Scheme (BBLS) – Extension & Top Up

The scheme helps small and medium-sized businesses to borrow between £2,000 and up to 25% of their turnover. The maximum loan available is £50,000.

The government guarantees 100% of the loan and there won’t be any fees or interest to pay for the first 12 months. After 12 months the interest rate will be 2.5% a year.

The scheme is open to applications until 31 January 2021.

From 10th November 2020, participating lenders in the Bounce Back Loan Scheme (BBLS) are able to offer smaller businesses across the UK a ‘top-up’ to their existing Bounce Back Loan if they originally borrowed less than the maximum amount available to them.

The Bounce Back Loan top-up will be available from several large lenders from today, with other lenders anticipated to make the top-up available in due course.

The top-ups are only available from a borrower’s existing BBLS lender. A borrower can apply for a top-up that is for the lesser of £50k or 25% of the annual turnover the borrower certified in their original successful BBLS application form, minus the value of their original loan.

Bounce Back Loan Scheme top-up features

  • One top-up per borrower from their existing lender
  • Minimum top up amount – £1,000
  • The capital repayment holiday runs for 12 months from the initial drawdown date on the original Bounce Back Loan. For example, if the initial drawdown date of the original Bounce Back Loan was on 1 June 2020, and the drawdown date of the top-up was on 1 November 2020, the capital repayment holiday period will run to 31 May 2021

How to apply

A short form template application form will be available from the Bounce Back Loan Scheme accredited lenders. Borrowers must complete this application form to be eligible for a top-up.

The top-up application form will require borrowers to indicate the amount of the top-up requested and re-provide certain declarations set out in the original Bounce Back Loan application form.

Further details and conditions are available on the Bounce Back Loan Scheme page on the British Business Bank website


Coronavirus Business Interruption Loan – Extension

The scheme helps small and medium-sized businesses to access loans and other kinds of finance up to £5 million.

The government guarantees 80% of the finance to the lender and pays interest and any fees for the first 12 months.

The scheme is open until 31 January 2021.

Tradespeople update – 3rd November 2020

Robert Jenrick, Secretary of State for Housing, Communities and Local Government, has shared a housing market update ahead of the new month-long lockdown in England, which will see ‘stay at home’ guidance and the closure of non-essential retail.

Jenrick confirmed that:

  • renters and homeowners will still be able to move
  • removal firms and estate agents can operate
  • construction sites can and should continue
  • tradespeople will be able to enter homes.

However, the Covid-19 safety and social distancing guidance should be strictly followed at all times.

Job Support Scheme – update as at 22nd October

  • The JSS starts to operate from 1 November and covers all Nations of the UK. For every hour not worked, the employee will be paid up to two-thirds of their usual salary.
  • The government will provide up to 61.67% of wages for hours not worked, up to £1541.75 per month (more than doubling the maximum payment of £697.92 under the previous rules). The cap is set above median earnings for employees in August at a reference salary of £3,125 per month.
  • Example: a typical full-time employee in the hospitality industry is paid an average of £1,100 per month. Under the Jobs Support Scheme for open businesses, they will still take home at least £807 a month. All the employer needs to pay is a total of £283 a month or just £70 a week; the government will pay the rest.
  • Employers using the scheme will also be able to claim the Job Retention Bonus (JRB) for each employee that meets the eligibility criteria of the JRB. This is worth £1,000 per employee. Taking JSS-Open and JRB together, an employer could receive over 95% of the total wage costs of their employees if they are retained until February.
  • For more information see the Job Support Scheme Open Factsheet (PDF, 104KB, 5 pages).
    or via https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/the-job-support-scheme/the-job-support-scheme

Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme: 30 November 2020 is the last day you can submit claims for periods ending on or before 31 October 2020. After this date you will not be able to submit any further claims or add to existing claims. More here.  

Job Retention Bonus: Further information has been published on how businesses can claim the government’s Job Retention Bonus. Check your eligibility and find out how to apply. 

Self-Employment Income Support Scheme (SEISS) grant extension:

The grant is being extended from 1 November 2020. Find out here if you are eligible and how much you can get. Guidance is available on how HMRC will work out your trading profits and non-trading income if you’re self-employed or a member of a partnership and have been adversely affected by coronavirus.  A video on how to claim the second grant step-by-step is also available

SEISS – Update as at 22nd October 2002

  • The government will provide two taxable SEISS grants to support those experiencing reduced demand due to COVID-19 but are continuing to trade, or temporarily cannot trade.
  • It will be available to anyone who was previously eligible for the SEISS grant one and grant two, and meets the eligibility criteria.
  • Grants will be paid in two lump sum instalments each covering 3 months. The first grant will cover a three-month period from the start of November 2020 until the end of January 2021. The government will pay a taxable grant which is calculated based on 40% of three months’ average trading profits, paid out in a single instalment and capped at £3,750.
  • The second grant will cover a three-month period from the start of February until the end of April 2021. The government will review the level of the second grant and set this in due course.
  • For more information, https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/self-employment-income-support-scheme-grant-extension/self-employment-income-support-scheme-grant-extension

Business Grants – update as at 22nd October

  • The Government is providing additional funding to allow Local Authorities (LAs) to support businesses in high-alert level areas which are not legally closed, but which are severely impacted by the restrictions on socialising. The funding LAs will receive will be based on the number of hospitality, hotel, B&B, and leisure businesses in their area.
  • LAs will receive a funding amount that will be the equivalent of:
  • For properties with a rateable value of £15,000 or under, grants of £934 per month.
  • For properties with a rateable value over £15,000 and below £51,000, grants of £1,400 per month.
  • For properties with a rateable value of exactly £51,000 and over, grants of £2,100 per month.
  • This is equivalent to 70% of the grant amounts given to legally closed businesses (worth up to £3,000/month).
  • Local Authorities will also receive a 5% top up amount to these implied grant amounts to cover other businesses that might be affected by the local restrictions, but which do not neatly fit into these categories.
  • It will be up to Local Authorities to determine which businesses are eligible for grant funding in their local areas, and what precise funding to allocate to each business – the above levels are an approximate guide.
  • Businesses in Very High alert level areas will qualify for greater support whether closed (up to £3,000/month) or open. In the latter case support is being provided through business support packages provided to Local Authorities as they move into the alert level. The government is working with local leaders to ensure the Alert Level very high packages are fair and transparent.
  • For more information see the Business Grants Factsheet (PDF, 124KB, 1 page).

Defer your Self Assessment payment on account due to coronavirus:  You had the option to defer your second payment on account if you were: registered in the UK for Self Assessment and finding it difficult to make that payment by 31 July 2020 due to the impact of coronavirus. Check what you need to do if, after 31 July 2020, you chose to defer your second payment on account for the 2019 to 2020 tax year.

Follow this link to the latest Government guidance as at 22nd October: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/plan-for-jobs-chancellor-increases-financial-support-for-businesses-and-workers?utm_source=923e5ab2-e10c-490d-ac93-4287f524ee0e&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=govuk-notifications&utm_content=immediate

COVID Recovery Grant – Update as at 8th October
An update was provided yesterday by the D2N2 Growth Hub who are administering the grant.

Communication will now begin going out to all of the circa 2,000 businesses who submitted their details to them ie:-

  • All eligible SMEs will receive an introductory email requesting an SME enrolment form as the first step of the process, with a deadline to respond within one week
  • An email invite to access the portal will then be sent to those who can apply  
  • All ineligible SMEs will receive an email with appropriate details and signposting   

Further information can be found as below:-
This link will take you through to the FAQs and communications updates on the grant scheme.

Latest Government Guidance as at 24th September 2020

Jobs Support Scheme
The Furlough Scheme will not be extended in its current form, but it will be replaced with the more targeted Jobs Support Scheme from 1st November 2020.

  • Under the scheme, the government will subsidise the pay of employees who are working fewer than normal hours due to lower demand
  • It will apply to staff who can work at least a third of their usual hours
  • Employers will pay staff for the hours they do work
  • For the hours employees can’t work, the government and the employer will each cover one third each of the lost pay.  This will be based on an employee’s normal salary, with the government contribution capped at £697.92 per month.
  • The government says this means the employee would get at least 77% of their pay.  So, for example, if someone earning £2,000 a month was working half their hours, they’d get £1,000 normal pay. They would then get £333 extra from their employer and £333 from the government.
  • All small and medium sized businesses will be eligible for the scheme (usually defined as firms with 250 employees or less).
  • Larger business will be eligible if their turnover has fallen during the crisis
  • It will be open to employers across the UK even if they have not previously used the furlough scheme
  • The scheme will run for six months from 1st November
  • It sits alongside the Jobs Retention Bonus of £1,000 per furloughed employee that is kept on until the start of February 2021 after the furlough scheme ends at the end of October.

Support for the self-employed

  • The chancellor is extending the self-employed grant on similar terms to the Jobs Support Scheme
  • A grant will be available to those eligible for the Self Employment Income Support Scheme Grant
  • The grant will cover three months’ worth of profits for the period from November to the end of January
  • It will cover 20% of average monthly profits up to a total of £1,875
  • A further grant will be available to the self-employed to cover February 2021 to the end of April.

Check if you can claim a grant through the Self-Employment Income Support Scheme via this link: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/self-employment-income-support-scheme-grant-extension/self-employment-income-support-scheme-grant-extension

Business loans

  • Bounce Back Loans will be extended from six years to 10, cutting monthly repayments by nearly half
  • Coronavirus Business Interruption Loan Scheme lenders will also be able to extend the length of loans from the current maximum of six years to 10 years
  • The chancellor is also extending the deadline for the government’s coronavirus loan schemes to the end of November.
  • The Chancellor also announced he would be extending applications for the government Future Fund and Bounce Back Loans until the end of November. 

    The Future Fund has delivered over £1.4bn of public and private investment so far. It’s given hundreds of innovative British start-ups the ability to survive through the crisis and thrive after and we’re pleased to see the Chancellor extend the scheme to ensure that as many start-ups as possible are able to get the investment they need.
  • Businesses struggling can choose to make interest only payments for six months and those “in real trouble” can apply to suspend repayments altogether for six months
  • Businesses will not see their credit rating fall as a result, the chancellor says


  • The 15% emergency VAT cut for the tourism and hospitality industries will be extended from January 2021 to 31 March
  • Business who deferred their VAT bills will be able to pay back their taxes in 11 smaller interest-free instalments
  • Self-assessment income tax payers will be able to defer tax payments to January 2022

Further information on deferred VAT can be found here at the .gov site: https://www.gov.uk/guidance/deferral-of-vat-payments-due-to-coronavirus-covid-19?utm_source=cad7c1fc-6225-4a8b-97b6-66507f6182c0&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=govuk-notifications&utm_content=immediate

Self-Employment Income Support Scheme – second round

The Self-Employment Income Support Scheme (SEISS) – the Government grant to self-employed individuals whose businesses have been adversely affected by coronavirus – is made up of two grants.

The first grant closed on 13 July, but the second and final grant will open for applications on 17 August 2020 – next Monday.

Here’s what you need to know about the second grant:

  • It will be worth up to 70% of your trading profits. It’s capped at £2,190 a month and is taxable at a total of £6,570. As it’s a grant, you don’t need to pay it back.
  • You don’t need to have claimed the first grant to receive the second grant. And if you’ve claimed the first, you can claim the second as long as you’re stilleligible.
  • You need to have been adversely affected by coronavirus on or after 14 July 2020 to claim it. Unsure what ‘adversely affected’ means? We’ve detailed examples and help.
  • Grants are based on your profits over three tax years. This is based on an average of the tax returns for 2016/17, 2017/18 and 2018/19.
  • You must have filed a tax return for 2018/19. This means you must have been self-employed prior to 6 April 2019. The last possible moment to file a 2018/19 tax return was 23 April 2020 (the deadline had been extended from 31 January 2020). If you only had a few months’ self-employment on your 2018/19 return, this will be counted as your total profit for the year – the Government won’t pro-rata it based on your monthly profits.
  • You must earn more than 50% of your total income from self-employment. This must have been the case for either your 2018/19 tax return or, if not, the average of your 2016/17, 2017/18 and 2018/19 tax returns. Income from property, dividends, savings, pensions and taxable benefits all count as “non-trading income” and, to qualify for the SEISS, the total of these combined must NOT exceed 50% of your total income. For more information on which benefits count as “taxable income”, see our full list here.
  • Your average trading profit must be less than £50,000/year. This is essentially a ‘cliff-edge’ requirement – so those whose average annual trading profit is more than £50,000 (to be specific, £50,000.01 and above) won’t be able to get any support from this scheme.
    For both these requirements, the Government says it will first check your 2018/19 tax return – if you met the requirements that year, you’ll be eligible.
    However, if you earned more than £50,000 (or earned less than half of your income from self-employment) in 2018/19, the Government will then check your 2016/17 and 2017/18 tax returns, if you filed them for those years. If on average over the three years you earned less than £50,000 and made more than half your income from self-employment, you’ll still be eligible.


COVID Recovery Grants

The D2N2 Growth Hub is set to receive a cut of £20 million in grants to boost small business recovery.

The Government has announced a support package of £20 million specifically aimed at SMEs to help them recover from the effects of the Coronavirus pandemic. The funding will come in the form of a grant from between £1,000 – £5,000 which can be used to support one or a combination of the following activities:

  • Access to technology or new equipment in order to get back on track or diversify
  • Access to professional advice such as HR, legal or financial to aid business decision making and risk management

The D2N2 Growth Hub is currently working hard to finalise the application process for these grants and will provide further information on the eligibility criteria as soon as it’s available. EU procurement regulations will apply to this funding.

The expectation is for the scheme to be available at the end of August. If you would like this information when it is published please click here and complete the form.

More information can also be found here.

Flexible Furlough Scheme

From 1st July 2020 businesses can bring furloughed employees back to work on a part time basis

firms will be given the flexibility to decide the hours and shift patterns of their employees – with the government continuing to pay 80% of salaries for the hours they do not work

Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme has so far helped protect more than 9.3 million jobs

The government’s Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme (CJRS) has so far helped protect more than 9.3 million jobs through the pandemic, with employers claiming more than £25.5 billion to support wages.

The scheme will remain open until the end of October and will continue to support jobs and business in a measured way as people return to work, our economy reopens and the country moves to the next stage of its recovery.

From today, a month earlier than previously announced, employers will have the flexibility to bring furloughed employees back to work on a part time basis.

Individual firms will decide the hours and shift patterns their employees will work on their return, so that they can decide on the best approach for them – and will be responsible for paying their wages while in work.

Follow the link below for the full guidance from Government.


EBC Discretionary Grant – 3rd Round

Erewash Borough Council has opened its third round of discretionary grant funding for small businesses in Erewash.

The council has widened the criteria of the latest funding scheme and is now urging qualifying firms to apply for help ahead of the deadline of Friday 24 July.

The changes include allowing small businesses with a rateable value of up to £65,000 (up from the previous £50,000) to apply for a grant and those with more than 50 employees can also now apply.

Under the discretionary scheme, the council has already approved grants totalling £715,500 to 109 local businesses following the first two rounds. Those businesses successful in their application employ nearly 800 employees in total.

The government funding is aimed at small businesses and includes those operating in shared spaces, regular market traders, small charity properties that would meet the criteria for small business rates relief and bed and breakfasts that pay council tax rather than business rates.

There are six levels of grant available ranging from £2,000 to £25,000. The level of award is related to the number of staff employed by the business and the severity of the fall in income due to the covid-19 crisis. 

Councillor Wayne Major, Deputy Leader of Erewash Borough Council and Lead Member for Resources, says:

“We have distributed grant support to businesses as quickly and efficiently as possible throughout this difficult time and we continue that with this latest scheme to help those who missed out on previous covid-19 government grants.

“We have already helped many of these small businesses and by widening the criteria we are encouraging more to apply for funding in this third round. I urge eligible businesses to get in touch and apply as soon as possible.”

Details of the funding and an application form are online now at www.erewash.gov.uk Anyone wanting further information can email localbusinessgrants@erewash.gov.uk

Businesses that applied during the first two rounds of funding but did not meet the original scheme criteria will now automatically have their applications reconsidered and do not need to reapply.

Kickstart Jobs Scheme

Chancellor Rishi Sunak announced a £2bn “kickstart scheme” to create more jobs for young people, in a statement to MPs on Wednesday 8th July 2020.

For each “kickstarter” job, the government will cover the cost of 25 hours’ work a week at the National Minimum Wage – £4.55 for under 18s, £6.45 for 18 to 20-year-olds, and £8.20 for 21 to 24-year-olds.

The fund will subsidise six-month work placements for people on Universal Credit aged between 16 and 24, who are at risk of long-term unemployment.

Employers will be able to top up that payment if they wish.

The government said it would allow young people “the opportunity to build their skills in the workplace, and to gain experience that will improve their chances of going on to find long-term sustainable work”.

The scheme will open for applications in August, with the first jobs expected to start in the autumn, and run until December 2021 – with the option of being extended.

It will cover England, Scotland and Wales, and the government said it would provide additional funding to Northern Ireland for a similar scheme.

Government Traineeship Scheme

The government is pledging to provide 30,000 new traineeships to get young people in England into work, as fears about mounting unemployment increase.

Traineeships provide classroom-based lessons in maths, English and CV writing, as well as up to 90 hours of unpaid work experience.

Under the £111m scheme, firms in England will be given £1,000 for each new work experience place they offer.

Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland will receive £21m for similar schemes.

The additional funding for traineeships is set to be announced by the Chancellor Rishi Sunak on Wednesday 8thJuly when he will unveil an economic plan to deal with the aftermath of the coronavirus crisis.

What is a traineeship?

  • A traineeship is a course that includes a work placement
  • It can last from six weeks up to six months
  • Traineeships are aimed at 16 to 24-year-olds in England
  • Trainees may complete a maximum of 240 hours of work experience over six months
  • Providers should offer an interview for an apprenticeship or job, if available at the end of the scheme

Employers are not required to pay trainees for a work placement, unlike apprenticeships where the minimum wage rate is £4.15 per hour.

On an apprenticeship, a person is employed to do work while studying for a formal qualification, usually for one day a week, either at a college or training centre over a number of years.

Source: Gov.uk website

Changes to the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme – 1st July 2020

The Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme will close on 31 October 2020.

From 1 July, employers can bring furloughed employees back to work for any amount of time and any shift pattern, while still being able to claim CJRS grant for the hours not worked.

From 1 August 2020, the level of grant will be reduced each month.To be eligible for the grant employers must pay furloughed employees 80% of their wages, up to a cap of £2,500 per month for the time they are being furloughed.

Businesses will have the flexibility to bring furloughed employees back to work part time from today (1 July) as part of the government’s plan to re-open the UK and kick-start our economy.


The timetable for changes to the scheme is set out in the link below:


Rules that have been relaxed to help businesses during the Coronavirus Pandemic – updated 26th June 2020

A list of the rules that have been temporarily relaxed to make it easier for businesses to continue working through the disruption caused by coronavirus (COVID-19) can be viewed via the link below.

University of Nottingham – SME productivity programme re-purposed to help businesses prepare for Covid-19 economic recovery

Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in Nottinghamshire and Derbyshire can now benefit from fully-funded University of Nottingham expertise through a programme which has been re-purposed to help businesses prepare for economic recovery following Covid-19.

Productivity Through Innovation, part-funded by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), gives SMEs within the D2N2 Local Enterprise Partnership region the opportunity to access the University’s talented postgraduates who work remotely for their organisation through 100-hour or 200-hour project placements.

Companies from any sector can receive strategic planning and operational insight in areas such as business continuity, future markets research, product development support, digital technologies and digital marketing strategies.

“Productivity Through Innovation was first launched last August, building on our highly-successful Postgraduate Placement Scheme which delivered over 1,000 placements for SMEs in the East Midlands, so we know this is a model that works for business,” explained Programme Manager Dr Megan Ronayne. “With the immediate challenges presented by Covid-19, but also now firmly thinking about economic recovery as we hopefully emerge from the pandemic, we wanted to give SMEs a high-impact, low-cost intervention to develop their organisation, enhance a project or take a fresh look at their business processes. Our postgraduate students are available to help firms navigate through this difficult period, and support their future planning by examining how innovation can enhance productivity.”

Interested SMEs can now contact the University to propose projects that they would like assistance in delivering remotely, Dr Ronayne said: “Our postgraduates are highly intelligent but are generally not experienced in the world of business, so organisations need to have the capacity to manage the placement and time to answer questions and keep the project moving. Most businesses tend to schedule key weekly update calls with our students, who would typically spent 6 to 12 hours per week on their placement. The programme is extremely straightforward, though, and with a clear brief agreed at the start of the project we will find the student or students who can deliver the requirement.”

Productivity Through Innovation academic champion Professor Richard Kneller added: “Productivity, the ratio of outputs to inputs, has been an issue well before Covid-19, and research shows that in 2015 the D2N2 region had a productivity gap of more than £8.2 billion. Nationally the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy and HM Treasury published a Business Productivity Review last November which highlighted the need to make businesses aware of their potential and therefore seek simple measures to become more productive and grow. The Productivity Through Innovation programme is an on-the-ground example of making this happen in our region. Collaboration between academia and business has never been more important, and we are delighted to be able to offer SMEs additional support for improving firm-level productivity and growth during this extremely challenging time when minds will inevitably be focused on the present.”

More widely, the University of Nottingham’s flagship civic collaboration with Nottingham Trent University has been refocused on identifying how both universities can best work together with local organisations to support the local recovery, including Productivity Through Innovation. For the first stage of the Universities for Nottingham initiative, the two universities have jointly undertaken an economic, social and cultural impact study to benchmark the contribution they currently make to local their communities, people and place. They have also started to map the many hundreds of different locally-focused programmes and initiatives currently run by the two institutions to identify areas where, if they worked together in collaboration, could have an even bigger impact on the lives of local people.

To find out more about the Productivity Through Innovation programme, and eligibility, please contact Megan.Ronayne@nottingham.ac.uk or ppnenquiries@nottingham.ac.uk.

COVID-19 Templates and Checklists – returning to work

These checklists and templates have been prepared to help employers, business owners and managers to get their business up and running again and to inform workers about what they need to do to help prevent the spread of Covid-19 in the workplace.

Staff Holidays – COVID-19

Information provided by EPL Member: Hello People Solutions
Although we can’t actually go ‘on holiday’, business are heading into the holiday season. You may have people cancelling holiday because they are furloughed or it may not be practical to take the holiday. The Working Time (Coronavirus) (Amendment) Regulations 2020 came in on 27 March 2020 and allows the four week of annual leave to be carried over for two holiday years. Click here for our FAQs

The Self-Employment Income Support Scheme is being extended

This scheme is being extended. You’ll be able to make a claim for a second and final grant in August 2020.

The online service for the second and final grant is not available yet. .GOV will update this guidance to let you know when you can make your claim. If you’re eligible the second and final grant will be a taxable grant worth 70% of your average monthly trading profits, paid out in a single instalment covering a further 3 months’ worth of profits, and capped at £6,570 in total.


The Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme is Changing – 29th May 2020

The Chancellor announced on 29th May the anticipated changes to the above scheme. Full details of the changes can be viewed via the link below.


Useful guides for businesses returning to work

Working safely during COVID-19. Below are a series of really useful easy to use guides on returning to work for each of the sectors below.

Shops and Branches:
Construction and Outdoor Work:
Factories, plants and warehouses:
Labs and research facilities:
Offices and contact facilities:
Working in other people’s homes:
Restaurants offering takeaway or delivery:
Shops and branches:
In or from a vehicle:

Click here to claim rates relief in Erewash

Working safely during Coronavirus (COVID-19)

The Government, in consultation with industry, has produced guidance to help ensure workplaces are as safe as possible. The 8 guides cover a range of differnent types of work to help employers, employees and the self-employed understand how to work safely during the coronavirus pandemic.
Further information can be found here:-

Our plan to rebuild: The UK Government’s COVID-19 recovery strategy

The Government’s plan to rebuild can be viewed here:-


Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme – Update

As it stands currently until the end of July, there are no changes to the Scheme and the rules still apply. However, from the beginning of August to October 2020, the Scheme will continue on the basis that furloughed employees can be brought back part-time

Full details will be published by the end of May 2020.

Further details can be found here:- https://www.gov.uk/government/news/chancellor-extends-furlough-scheme-until-october

COVID -19 Plan of Action

Essentially there are three phases that the business will go through. Stabilise which covers the immediate actions that needed to be taken at the start of the pandemic. Sustain covers the next steps that should be taken to keep the business going in whatever form. Rebuild which is the stage that many businesses will now be looking at in terms of how do we move forward to what is now considered to be the “new normal”. Below is what I consider to be a useful check list put together by one of the companies that has been supporting the Growth Hub.


  • Can you safely operate and maintain safe working conditions for your staff?
  • What can you expect to earn at the moment operating as ‘normal’? – be brutally honest
  • Cut ANYTHING that is not absolutely essential
  • Cashflow forecast – take a particular focus on overheads for the past 3 months and identify any non-essential expenditure
  • Reduce any fixed and variable costs you can – work with your accountant and legal team
  • Scenario plan for different time periods of lockdown to calculate how much cash you might need to survive
  • Minimise working capital by closely managing at what is due out, what is due in and stock levels
  • Speak to your bank manager and any other finance providers to see what options you have available to you. Could refinancing assets release some cash?
  • Conduct a weekly risk assessment of your customers and suppliers – Have any of your customers requested time to pay and do you know if any of your customers are in trouble and might be unable to pay? – Have your customer needs changed and can you adapt and respond? – Are any of your suppliers in trouble or are supplies being diverted to larger companies or to supply the front line? – Are you paying the correct amount for supplies? Take advantage of discounts if you can • Balance finance and customer service
  • Do you need to drive down stock levels so cash isn’t tied up or secure additional stock as a buffer against supply chain disruption?
  • Do you have perishable products or finished work that could be used to raise cash?
  • How will stock reduction impact on production and customer service? Add demand planning into your scenario planning and factor in the upstream and downstream impact of your actions.
  • Where possible renegotiate payment times/terms – whilst maintaining supply chain relationships– work together
  • Manage outstanding invoices with customers – work together and ensure the basics are correct at your end – correct and prompt invoicing with clear terms and conditions
  • If you need to generate cash quickly explore financing options such as factoring, or spot financing or discounts for customers able to pay quickly
  • If supply chains are disrupted do you have alternate suppliers?
  • Check your business insurances to see what is covered under business interruption


  • Could you adapt to continue trading safely?
  • What alternative options might be open to you – e.g. home delivery, remote working or virtual services
  • Use a business model canvas to think about how to adapt
  • What equipment might you need to allow you to adapt and can you borrow it from a stakeholder?
  • Start to think who in this crisis might need your skills/knowledge/expertise/equipment and staff
  • Who in your supply chain/customer base/network could help you?
  • Could you second staff who might otherwise be furloughed or at risk to another organisation that needs their skills/experience
  • How could you diversify?
  • Keep in touch – ensure that you keep in touch with your clients and suppliers – let them know what you are up to
  • Get marketing – be active on social media, highlighting your positive approach to the crisis
  • Reach out – communicate with customers and suppliers


  • Coming out of lockdown will be a gradual process so you will need to plan how you can meet your customer’s needs with some restrictions still in place – How will you start to return/reopen safely? – What staff and structure will you need? – What worked well during lockdown that you can learn from and build into your operation going forward
  • Share your vision with your team and seek their input
  • Ensure you have everything in place to allow staff to work safely
  • Will your staff need any refresher training particularly in relation to processes that are health and safety critical
  • How will you ‘relaunch’ – plan a communication and marketing strategy to let your customers know
  • Set some goals and targets and work backwards from there
  • Check your supply chains are secure
  • Team building – vital after a prolonged break especially where some have been furloughed and others not
  • Check all your terms and conditions and contracts are still up to date
  • Future Resilience
    • Build a plan for future lockdowns or Black Swans
    • Ensure you can access key data and documents off site
    • Check your insurances
    • Have a recovery plan that staff are part of
    • Practice your plan once a year and review
    • Complete a resilience checklist

General Guidance for Businesses:


Coronavirus Bounce Back Loan: –
To help small and medium-sized businesses affected by COVID-19.

To apply for loans between £2,000 and £50,000. Details here:


Job Retention scheme:


Information for the self-employed:


Business Interruption Loan Scheme:


The Partnership would like to gather feedback from local businesses about the impact of COVID-19 – please let us know brief details of any problems / impact that you are experiencing. We will feed this intelligence through to Growth Hub, Local Government partners and Maggie Throup MP.

If you can offer specific support for fellow members, please let us know and we will be happy to post information on the news section of our website.

If you would like to talk to us about this support, please call us on 0115 946 8839.

New staff needed for health and care roles during COVID-19

Please click the following link for further information https://joinedupcareers.co.uk/news/news/new-staff-needed-health-and-care-roles-during-covid-19

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