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Funding is still available to support SMEs, partnerships, sole traders, CICs and charity organisations located in Derbyshire (excluding Derby City boundary) with projects that will help them achieve:

  • Measurable reductions in carbon emissions
  • An increase in the scope, resilience and/or scale of their activity
  • An improvement in organisational performance and demonstrate a positive impact towards low carbon, energy efficiency and/or alternative energy initiatives

NB: only projects that will be completed by the end of July 2024 can be considered.

Projects could be awarded between £6,000 – £20,000 funding. There is a maximum 40% grant intervention rate, with a minimum project spend of £15,000. 
For more information please visit the webpage: 
https://www.derby.ac.uk/business-services/funding/green-entrepreneurs-programme/small-grant-fund/ or contact the programme co-ordinator Maria Marsden:

T: 07584 997539

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