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Help us make a difference

Ilkeston residents and local businesses are being urged to step up and join forces with Erewash Borough Council to help shape a realistic bid for government funding to invest in the town.

The council has now launched the first part of a two-stage consultation as part of its drive to tap in to up to £20m through the government’s nationwide Levelling Up initiative.

The bid is seen as an important step to help fund projects that can improve everyday life for Ilkeston folk – but it is vital that local people and businesses work with the council to draw up ambitious but practical ideas that are part of the on-going challenge to help regenerate the town centre and provide support for cultural and heritage development.

The council has issued a rallying call to local residents, community organisations and businesses to take part in the consultation before 5pm on Wednesday 30 March. You can take part at https://wh.snapsurveys.com/s.asp?k=164373427799

Councillor Bryn Lewis, Erewash Borough Council’s Lead Member for Town Centres, says:

“Our mission is to make this happen. We have a marvellous opportunity to bid for funding, a real opportunity of making a difference – but it can only happen with the support of the Ilkeston community. We need to know what really matters to the people of Ilkeston and that’s what we’re trying to find out in this first step. I urge people to take part in this survey, we need you to be part of

the process to identify possible, but realistic, projects.”

Possible projects could include the upgrade of dated buildings, regeneration of brownfield sites and creating new spaces to support the arts and cultural heritage.

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