For the last 18 months we were singing on-line. We gradually improved our on-line techniques with Jamulus and then Jamulus+Jitsi rehearsals. Well done to Frank, Richard, Paul and John, our Techie Team. We have not stopped learning craft and new songs, our teaching material has taken a giant step upwards and we have learned all our new songs in pitch. Wow – so there have been some benefits from our period of isolation but now we can rehearse together and hear those chords ringing.
We have had 6 rehearsals at Kirk Hallam Social Club and there is a buzz. 43 members have now attended at least one rehearsal. Congratulations to Mark, Richard, Barry and the Music Team for keeping the energy of the Chorus alive while we switch back into rehearsing in the same hall. Check out the new risers………………
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Offer Expires: January 1, 2022