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Party for volunteers

A party will be held at Erewash Museum this month for both current volunteers and those interested in volunteering.

The party will take place on Tuesday 27 September at the Ilkeston based museum from 4:30pm until 6:30pm. All current volunteers of Erewash Museum and the tea room are welcome, as well as anyone who is interested in volunteering. It will be an evening of thanking the 30 active volunteers who have given their time to help the museum grow and thrive, as well as an opportunity for residents to gain information about the museum and volunteering there.

Volunteers can chose how many hours they give to the museum and which days they are available. Volunteers are also able to choose whether to participate in the museum’s events such as the opening party for the Erewash beach or the upcoming spooky Halloweek. Those who volunteer work with the museum staff to create a flexible schedule that works for both parties.

The event will take place in the gardens, weather permitting – if it rains then the party will move to the Hayloft. There will be a buffet of snacks and nibbles, music and a team based quiz game to end the evening.

Councillor Carol Hart, Leader of Erewash Borough Council, says:

“There are many volunteers who all play a critical role in making Erewash Museum as fantastic as it is. I think it’s wonderful that we can celebrate their dedication and selflessness with a ‘thank you’ party. It is also a brilliant opportunity for any residents interested in volunteering to meet the lovely team, ask questions and find out more information.”

Erewash Museum is located a short walk from Ilkeston’s Market Place. Admission is free for both the house and gardens. The volunteer-led tea room offers a variety of treats and drinks. For more information visit the Facebook page facebook.com/erewashmuseum, call 0115 907 1141, or email museum@erewash.gov.uk.

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