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Project set to move forward

Erewash Borough Council looks set to claim funding from Government to improve the Long Eaton Walking and Cycling Network.

Three schemes are proposed as part of the Long Eaton Town Deal project; a new walking and cycling bridge at Britannia Road to allow residents north of Derby Road to access the town centre along the canal towpath; extending the lighting in West Park to serve all the park gateways and encourage its use as a through-route; and a replacement pedestrian bridge at Broad Street to improve the link between the town centre and West Park. Consultation is already underway to help inform the preferred design option for the Broad Street replacement bridge.

It is recommended that Council Executive endorses the project summary and approves receipt of the remainder of the £5,956,500 Towns Fund capital grant for the project. If approved at the March 21 meeting, a business case will be submitted to government to claim the funding, with the project planned to be delivered by March 2026.

Councillor Carol Hart, Leader of Erewash Borough Council, says:

“The Walking and Cycling Network project is a fantastic initiative for the town, which aligns with the council’s priority of ‘planning for the future’ and ‘building sustainable communities where residents have good access to facilities and transport links for their wellbeing’. It is something that will be of benefit to many people in Erewash.”

On July 7, 2021 council executive  approved heads of terms with the government to deliver projects in the Long Eaton Town Investment Plan using the £24.8 million of Town Deal funding.

More information about the Long Eaton Town Deal can be found at www.longeatontowndeal.org

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