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University of Derby

Help to Grow Management Programme

The course is open to managers and business leaders to help boost business performance, resilience and long-term growth. By the end of the course, participants will develop a business growth plan to lead their organisation to achieve its full potential. The 12-week course has been designed to allow participants to complete it alongside full-time work.  It is 90% funded by the Government and the fee payable by participants is £750.   

 This practical course combines: 

  • 8 facilitated online sessions, delivered by a University of Derby academic with relevant private sector experience  
  • 4 face-to-face Case Study workshop sessions (delivered in Derby and Chesterfield on our next Cohort) 
  • Peer group support – a chance to network with likeminded business leaders (there are 8×1 hour online peer groups in the same weeks as online learning modules) 
  • Mentoring – 10 hours of one-to-one mentoring with a business mentor  
  • Access to the Help to Grow Alumni Programme for post programme support for you and your business 

Here’s a link to the University of Derby Help to Grow Management web page, which includes more information on the course Help to Grow: Management – University of Derby, as well as feedback from some of our participants who have already completed the course: Case studies – Help to Grow: Management Programme – University of Derby.

If you require further information please contact Kirandeep Kular K.Kular@derby.ac.uk

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